Digital Payment Process

Enable your customers to pay easily from anywhere.

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Digital Payment Process

Payment Process as easy as possible

Your customers can pay online without an app or login.


Your customers can pay online without an app or login.

Give your guest a feeling of security in a clearly structured payment process


Give your guest a feeling of security in a clearly structured payment process

You have the choice between different payment providers and payment methods.

Large Selection

You have the choice between different payment providers and payment methods.

Payment Partners


  • Wählen Sie einen unserer Zahlungsanbieter und wir treffen alle Einstellungen damit Sie sowohl online (E-commerce) und vor Ort am Zahlungsterminal Ihren Gast das bestmögliche Erlebnis bieten.


  • Bei Buchung
  • Teilzahlung
  • Bei Check-in/out
  • Zu jedem Zeitpunkt
  • Vorautorisierung (wird für die Hotellerie nicht von allen Anbietern unterstützt)
Payment Structure

Automate check-in and optimize the booking system with IT solutions from Snowoffice GmbH

Implementation from a single source
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